
Trust Us With Your Comfort

At Mallard Air, transparency in pricing is our priority, which is why we gladly provide free estimates for all services before proceeding. We value the best interests of our customers and are renowned for offering expert advice to address any situation you may be facing.

AC Repair & Replacement

If your air conditioner can’t keep up with the summer heat, you may need to seek out an AC repair service in Alabama. Issues like loud noises, strange smells, and non-stop running are all indicative of a component failure or worse. The team at Mallard Air is here to take care of all your AC problems and restore your home’s comfort and efficiency.

Heating System

If you want an experienced heating service team to assist you in Alabama, you can depend on Mallard Air. We can help you solve immediate and long-term problems with your heating system. Trying to make a heating repair on your own can get you into trouble. A skilled, certified technician is always good to have on your team to prevent further costs or injury.

Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality in Alabama can be directly linked to lung cancer, heart disease, and other respiratory diseases. Fortunately, with air quality testing services, you can take charge of your IAQ and protect your children and elderly loved ones with low immunity. But first, let’s get educated on what might be compromising the quality of air in your household.

AC Maintenance

When you want to schedule AC maintenance for a cooling system in Alabama, you can trust our AC technicians from Grasshopper Heating & Cooling to get the job done right the first time. It’s important for your air conditioner to receive regular tune-ups so that it can continue to operate efficiently and effectively. As dirt accumulates in a cooling system, it can affect its functionality and reliability.